There are SO MANY PLACES where people typically forget to de-clutter.
De-Clutter the “STASH”
First, when you’re expecting company, where do you stash your stuff? Those are the most likely places where people forget to de-clutter. Clutter is simply stuff that’s placed in the wrong space, or forgotten items that accumulated over time. When it’s hid away, there’s usually no thought given to where it belongs. Where is it?
- Under the bed/ platform bed drawers
- “Junk” drawer(s)
- Inside cabinets with doors that HIDE stuff
- Bottom of closets
The Hidden Places
There’s also the stuff that’s under or behind the items you use most:
- Back end of the drawers – the clothing and accessories that got stuffed back as new ones came in
- Medicine cabinet – Makeup and sundries
- Kitchen cabinets – storage containers and utensils
The Rarely Used Places
Of course, there’s the collections and papers that we only use once a year:
- Top of closets with seasonal items
- File drawers, Prior years’ tax papers
Don’t forget digital clutter!!!!
How to De-Clutter
Wherever those places are, here are the best ways to go about de-cluttering them:
Avoid the spontaneous stash by visualizing a place for everything. Think ahead and designate a category for your belongings. Labeling your spaces is a good reminder of where stuff belongs. Spend some time at the end of each day putting stuff away. Clutter is just homeless items. Once you get into the routine, you will have no more homeless items.
I find the best method for busy people to tackle clutter is to schedule an uninterrupted appointment with yourself. Decide on a small area to start (like a drawer), and set a timer for 30 minutes. Sort out the stuff into defined categories. See how far you get (in your designated time frame), then put it all away for another 30 minutes. The key to success is leaving enough time to clear the deck.
How to Maintain Organization
Here’s some guidance for maintaining limited spaces and keeping them tidy. When one new item comes in, 1-2 go out. When buying new clothes, accessories or cosmetics, think ahead about where they will be stored. If you’re unable to let go of items, there’s always the option of (temporary) storage rooms. There’s always a price to pay for accumulating.
Finally, if you have difficulty de-cluttering on your own, enlist the help of an accountability buddy. This is someone you trust with whom you share your goals. They should help keep you on track without judgement.
Make the process of de-cluttering a game. Make it fun and motivating.
For more ideas, read this terrific article to the end which features Under Control Organizing as well as another Professional Organizer.