Professional services for virtual organizing and on-site organizing can bring everlasting peace of mind and pride in one’s surroundings. Stop wasting time looking for the things you need. Everyday items can be within arm’s reach and archival items can be found quickly.
Virtual Organizing:
- You share your organizing projects, goals, needs and/or visual images.
- Let’s meet/discuss periodically by Skype, Zoom, phone, text, email to review your progress.
- Marcia provides instruction, motivation, ideas, exchanges, and discuss products and resources.
- We help you create a realistic timeline to achieve your goals and projects.
- Co-manage cloud-based files, such as DropBox, OneDrive, Google Drive, Google Sheets, etc.
Organizing Individuals In Times of Life’s Transitions:
- Together, discuss strategy with a thoughtful approach to sorting out belongings. Then, we create a time frame to accomplish your goal.
- Side by side, we work together, deciding and distributing items you will keep or remove (donate, sell, give away).
- Prepare for a lifestyle change. A birth, a death, a move, family or career changes – you don’t have to navigate these alone.
Organizing Homeowners, Empty Nesters, Downsizers, Busy Moms:
- Summarize and budget costs. Collect, categorize and summarize all capital and maintenance expenses.
- Organize and maintain overwhelming large projects and costs: Construction, Decorating, Improvements
- Set up and maintain your “home central” to manage your family’s activities.
- Allocate a place for everything.
- De-clutter and simplify to make your home more comfortable and enjoyable to live in.
- Take charge of mud rooms, playrooms, kid’s rooms, closets.
- Plan a room conversion to an art studio, craft center, guest room or home office.
- Provide resources to help with the decision to donate, sell, or recycle possessions.
Organizing Artists/Creative Professionals, Business Owners/Entrepreneurs:
- Devise solutions as creative as you are. Customize access to paper, supplies, materials and finished works.
- Set up, inventory and manage simple “systems” (paper/electronic) for today’s and yesterday’s information and storage solutions.
- Create space planning for a growing or right-sizing business.