Category: Time Management Tools

  • Can we manage time?

    Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, states that “Time management is a misnomer, the challenge is manage ourselves.” Yet, we have this obsession to learn “time management?”  Time is a commodity.  How do you spend time?  Can you make time? When the day is done, what have you accomplished?  We…

  • Organizing Options for Care-giving and Care-getting

    I heard it said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The other day, I received a call from a client who confidently exclaimed “When I get stuck, I ask myself What would Marcia do?” Wow!!!! I was flattered and glowed with pride. I pride myself in setting a good example by practicing what…

  • Simple Ways to Streamline your Life, Be More Productive and Stay Organized

    Start with a few simple ways to streamline your life, be more productive and stay organized: Manage your schedule Send yourself reminders via email, app or electronic calendar. Set up a separate inbox for your reminders, and check it daily. Use a family calendar to track family commitments. Eliminate multiple calendars, or be sure to…

  • Best Gadget for Self Management

    Sometimes the oldest technologies are the best technologies.  The old fashioned “timer” for instance can help you stay on track in your projects, and manage time throughout the day. Using a timer can empower you to feel more accomplished in your projects. See my interview on News 12.

  • Procrastination

    “When the time is right” is an expression that guides us through many decisions. Sometimes, however, it could be an excuse to put off an important task. Procrastination can be a healthy decision when it’s intentional – part of the plan to complete one priority before another. If the “decision” to procrastinate is unintentional, it…

  • A Tool to Manage Time / Manage Yourself

    A journal is a simple tool to help you get control of the overwhelming number of activities that consume your life or your business. Use a journal to help keep you from becoming a victim to wasted time.