The grocery-cart-return area was about 20 feet away, but the able-bodied, middle aged man rolled his emptied grocery cart to an level surface next to his car instead. I just couldn’t walk away.
“The return area is right over there”, I stopped, pointed, and said with a smile.
He froze, unexpectedly confronted. “Yes, it is”, was his retort.
“I’ll be happy to help, and take it for you, if you like”, I offered.
“That’s kind of you”, was the man’s reply.
“You’re welcome. All you had to do was ask. Have a nice day.”
Whether it’s keeping the parking lot safe from rolling grocery carts, being able to find things quickly in my home and office, or listening carefully to you to determine the best “systems” in your space, it’s all Organizing. I’m happy to do it. All you have to do is ask.
It’s natural instinct for people to want to help. We need help, and help may come from unexpected sources. All you have to do is ask.
I’m happy, and grateful that I chose my second career in Organizing. I’m grateful to my mentors, supportive friends, family and acquaintances. I’m grateful to the career counselor who evaluated my skills in 1992 as “having excellence in organizing”. I am grateful every day for the challenging projects offered to me by my clients. All you have to do is ask.
Giving thanks is not limited to the holiday time of Thanksgiving. I think that if we make time to remember and acknowledge others throughout the year, our lives might be easier, less stressed, more organized and productive. We would feel comforted by partnership. We just have to ask, “Can you help me with ______?” After receiving, please pay it forward. I can only hope that the man in the parking lot “paid it forward” in gratitude later that day, even if no one asked.
It’s a challenge to stay organized. Today’s hectic, harried life commands our attention in so many directions. Tasks take longer to complete than expected. Our high priority lists grow. We’re stretched. Distractions abound. There are only 24 hours in the day, and we can’t be everywhere at once.
What does gratitude and helping others have to do with Organizing? I named my Organizing business “Under Control” to represent a feeling one would have after they work with me. I enjoy sharing that knowledge with you. I want you to feel a sense of confidence and calm after our work together. Being organized can provide that sense. Organizing is a thoughtful process, whether it’s downsizing, transition-ing or building a new venture.
For me, “organized” is knowing how, when and from whom we need to ask for help, and being able to take our valuable time to express our appreciation for it.